Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy

Feasts-Flea markets

Italian Porchetta Feast Abruzzo Italy

Italian Porchetta Feast – Campli

20240819 - 20240824 Abruzzo -Campli (Teramo)  Feasts-Flea markets | Food-Wine

19-24 August 2024 big feast for an iconic culinary food of Central Italy

Snooping. Antique and Collecting Market - Cervia Italy

Curiosando (Snooping) Antique Market – Cervia

20240612 - 20240904 Emilia-Romagna -Cervia (Ravenna)  Feasts-Flea markets | Hobby

Every Wednesday from From June 12 to September 4, 2024

National Pepper Fair - Piedmont - Italy

National Pepper Fair – Carmagnola

20240830 - 20240908 Piemonte -Carmagnola (Torino-Turin)  Feasts-Flea markets | Festival-Fairs | Food-Wine

August 30th – September 8th, 2024, ten days of traditional Italian food

Made in Malga Asiago Veneto Italy

Made in Malga – Asiago

20240906 - 20240915 Veneto -Asiago (Vicenza)  Feasts-Flea markets | Food-Wine

On weekends 6-8 and 13-15 September 2024, the feast of alpine cheese

Anghiò- Festival Pesce Azzurro - Porto Sant'Elpidio

Anghiò, Bluefish Festival – Porto Sant’Elpidio

20240912 - 20240915 Marche -Porto Sant'Elpidio (Fermo)  Children | Feasts-Flea markets | Festival-Fairs | Food-Wine

12-15 September 2024. Four days dedicated to seafood and street food.

perugia flower show

Perugia Flower Show – Perugia

20240921 - 20240922 Umbria -Perugia  Children | Feasts-Flea markets | Hobby

September 21-22, 2024. Rare plants, gardening courses, activities for kids

desmontegar trentino

Desmontegar Feast – Valle di Primiero

September Trentino-Alto Adige -Valle di Primiero (Trento)  Children | Feasts-Flea markets | Folklore-Traditions | Food-Wine

End September. The Dolomites celebrate the herds’ return from the mountain pasture.

Goose Salami Fair - Lombardia - Italy

Goose Salami Fair – Mortara

20240929 Lombardia -Mortara (Pavia)  Feasts-Flea markets | Food-Wine | Historical reenactments

On September 29th, 2024. Gastronomy, folklore and traditions

Salted Codfish Festival - Veneto - Italy

Salted Codfish Festival – Sandrigo

20230914 - 20240930 Veneto -Sandrigo (Vicenza)  Feasts-Flea markets | Food-Wine

19-22 and 26-30 September 2024. Dedicated to the most famous recipe of Vicenza

Salami Feast - Cremona - Lombardy - Italy

Salami Feast – Cremona

20241004 - 20241006 Lombardia -Cremona  Feasts-Flea markets | Festival-Fairs | Food-Wine

4-6 October 2024. Salami makers from all over Italy and unique salami tasting from Lombardy