Italian Porchetta Feast – Campli
19-24 August 2024 big feast for an iconic culinary food of Central Italy

Italian Porchetta Feast in Campli, near Teramo, takes place from August 19th to 24th, 2024.
Six days are dedicated to the pork roast, one of the most typical and savory dishes of Central Italy. Its preparation is still handed down according to the ancient recipe which consists of an elaborate and rigorous cooking process in old ovens.
Apart from tastings, the program includes also live concerts and culinary challenges.
A jury also made up of amateurs is in charge of tasting and awarding the best porchetta.
Italian Porchetta Feast in Campli , first organized in 1964, is the largest Italian feast dedicated to porchetta.
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If you are in Campli, you have to visit the “Holy Staircase” Church >>>
See also what else you can do or visit in Abruzzo>>>
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