Spring Birds Fair – Sacile
April 5th to 7th, 2024. Market-fair of flowers, plants, and birds in the province of Pordenone.

In April 2025, it takes place in Sacile, in the Province of Pordenone, The Spring Birds Fair, a market-fair of flowers, plants and birds, organized by local entrepreneurs, farmers, and florists, this year at its 78th edition
The Spring Birds Fair is usually organized the first Sunday after Easter and turns the main square of Sacile, Piazza del Popolo, into a garden with flowers in pots, shrubs and ornamental plants, vegetables and fruit plants.
The Fair is considered a preview of the Osei Festival, celebrated the first Sunday after August 15th, and represents one of the oldest festivals in Italy.
We kindly recommend checking the website or the facebook page for updates on the program
photos: event’s website)
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