Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy

Feast of Santa Candida in Ventotene

20 September. Ventotene celebrates its patron saint: Santa Candida

Feast of Santa Candida in Ventotene - Lazio Italy
20 Sep 2023 Lazio -Ventotene island (Latina)  Children | Folklore-Traditions | Religious celebrations

On September 20th, the island of Ventotene celebrates Saint Candida (Santa Candida), patron saint of the village.

For the occasion, the traditional, colorful and extremely popular competition of paper air balloons takes place and various schools of the island compete with their own creations of different shapes, decorations and sizes.

The statue of Santa Candida is carried in procession through the streets of Ventotene. The arrival of the saint is at the port, where it is welcomed by fireworks.

For more information:
Municipality of Ventotene>>>
Tel.  +39 0771 85014

Ventotene is an island part of Lazio region.
Are you curious to know more about Lazio? Click here >>>
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(photo from the website of Ventotene Municipality)


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