Prehistoric Park – Rivolta d’Adda
From mid-February to mid-November. 100-hectare park. Life-size dinosaurs. Diorama.

The Prehistoric Park in Rivolta d’Adda is located just 25 kilometers away from Milan and takes up a 100-hectare natural area immersed in a secular deciduous woodland on the banks of Adda river,
It is open almost all year round, from mid-February to mid-November.
Prehistoric animals. Walking around the park, visitors can meet 50 life-size reconstructions of 34 prehistoric species that populated the Earth millions of years ago: arthropods, fish, amphibians, dinosaurs, mammals.
Primitive men and their daily life are the theme of other reconstructions, made using fossil skeletons to which muscles, fleshy parts and skin have been added.
The Prehistoric Park is also a large ecosystem where small mammals live and can be spotted, such as the wild rabbit, dormouse, fox, badger, hedgehog and mole, and various insects such as butterflies, bees, wasps, ants. Alongside this fauna that lives free, there are animals that live in partial freedom conditions such as deer, donkeys, horses, goats, sheep.
The lake and the botanical path. In the park there are also the Swan and Duck Lake and a botanical path with elms, poplars, and many flowers including hawthorns, violets, primroses and undergrowth vinca.
Other flowers grow in the marshy area: nasturtiums, water lilies, willows, duckweed and many other aquatic plants.
The Labyrinth. Another attraction of the park is the labyrinth made up of hedges of about 1.80 meters tall, the labyrinth thrills young and old and extends over almost 1,000 square meters.
The Paleontological Museum is a must-see at the end of the visit. Paleontology is the branch of natural science studying life forms that existed in the geological past and their living environments on Earth. The Paleontological Museum is a fascinating journey to discover this distant past illustrated through three dioramas, 30 didactic panels and 60 artifacts, including casts and fossils, that project visitors in a fun and engaging way through the Ages of Earth.
The Park has also a distance learning program through video lessons and digital content to offer school groups engaging and meaningful learning experiences.
To know the opening days and hours visit the website>>>
Entrance with a fee
Tickets can be purchased online>>>
Photos from the Facebook page of the park
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