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Castel del Monte – Andria

A fortress built in 1240 immersed in Alta Murgia Park in Apulia. Open all year round

Castel del Monte - Puglia - Italy
All year long Puglia -Andria  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

Castel del Monte - Puglia - Italy

Castel del Monte is a thirteenth-century fortress immersed in the Alta Murgia Park in Andria.
The fortress, built in 1240 by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II of Swabia, is a true masterpiece of medieval military architecture, despite being without a moat.

The castle is known for its octagonal shape.
The number 8 is actually a recurring element of the castle: around the courtyard, also octagonal in shape, there are 8 rooms on the ground floor and 8 on the first floor; on the corners of the castle, there are 8 octagonal limestone towers which have 8 single-light windows.

For its location and the precision of its shapes that blend classical, Arab and Northern European architectural elements, the castle is a proof of Frederick II’s vast culture, passionate about mathematics and astronomy.

Castel del Monte is the most visited monument in Puglia with about 300,000 visitors per year.
It has been included in the list of Italian national monuments in 1936 and recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996.

Opening hours:
– from 1st October to 31st March: every day from 9.00 am to 5.45 pm
– from 1st April to 30th September: every day from 10.00 am to 6.45 pm
Visit duration: 45 minutes
Reservation is recommended to avoid queues by sending an email or following the instructions on  the website>>>
It is recommended to wear a safety mask and to keep an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter.
For information, call +39 0883 569997 – +39 327.9805 551

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