Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy

Tocatì – Verona

14-17 September 2023, four days of fun dedicated to ancient street games

Tocatì - Verona
14 Sep 2023 - 17 Sep 2023 Veneto -Verona  Children | Festival-Fairs | Folklore-Traditions

From September 14th to 17th 2023, the 21st edition of Tocatì, the International Festival of Street Games takes place in Verona, ever richer and more fascinating due to the many games recovered and kept alive.

Guests of honor 2023 will be Portugal
In 2022 were Catalunya, Iran, the Canary Islands and Mexico. in 2021 were Croatia, Belgium, Cyprus and France, in 2020 13 villages in Italy. In 2019 it was Brittany, in 2018 Southern France, in 2017 Europe, in 2016 China…

The Tocatì Festival invades the city with its play stations, and the program also includes performances of traditional music, dances, folklore, entertainment for children, themed meetings, and the ever-present local food, distributed on the Lungadige St. George. The public is invited to participate in street games which are explained and shown by the players. It is also possible to participate as volunteers and be included in the staff.

Tocatì is created by the Ancient Games Association of Verona and focuses on the game and the communities that play it. Traditional games closely linked to the territory, often handed down over the centuries and usually practiced by adults, who have been able to defend and keep a space dedicated to playing in their lives, making a mockery of the conformist rule that wants play as an exclusively childlike activity.

The Ancient Games Association is committed to safeguarding traditional gaming communities, which with play keep the historical memory, environmental diversity and uniqueness and social creativity of their territory alive. For this reason, the safeguarding of games and street games also means safeguarding the territory.

In 2023, Tocatì entered the Unesco Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

See the website>>>
Tel. +39 045 830 9162
See also the Facebook page for more updates>>>

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(photo from facebook)

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