Palio di Siena Tuscany, Italy

The Siena Palio and Historical Football Game in Florence are very well known events worldwide in Tuscany.

Other important and interesting events that date back centuries ago include: Giostra del Saracino (Saracen Joust) in Arezzo with its two editions, in June and September, which dates back to the ‘500, the Crossbow “Palio which is played in two editions: in Gubbio (Umbria) and Sansepolcro (Tuscany), and the funny Barrel Race (Bravio delle Botti) in Montepulciano, a challenge whose aim is to roll big barrels uphills.
The Explosion of the Cart dates back to 1622, the typical Florentine Easter event and the Historical Carnival in Bibbiena is celebrates since 1350.

Among the more recent events, the most erudite event is Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (Florentine Musical May), the largest fantasy event in Italy is the Unicorn Festival and the most cheerful one is the Carnival in Viareggio.

Torre del Lago, in the province of Lucca, hosts every summer the Puccini Festival, the only festival entirely dedicated to the Italian composer Giacomo Puccini, who spent most of his life here.

Welcome to the region of Florence and the Uffizi museum, the Tower of Pisa, the Siena Palio, Chianti and Brunello wines, Michelangelo and much more…


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