Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy


Torcello Museum - Veneto - Italy

Torcello Museum – Venice Lagoon

All year long Veneto -Torcello (Venice-Venezia)  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

In Torcello island, archaeological finds and objects of Greek and Roman culture

Archaeological Museum of the Phlegraean Fields - Campania - Italy

Archaeological Museum of the Phlegraean Fields – Bacoli

All year long Campania -Bacoli (Naples-Napoli)  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

Finds and history of the main archaeological sites of the Phlegraean Fields, in province of Naples

Museum of Mummies - Umbria - Italy

Museum of Mummies – Ferentillo

All year long Umbria -Ferentillo (Terni)  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

24 naturally mummified bodies in the heart of Umbria

Castelbrando Museum Veneto italy

CastelBrando Museum – Cison di Valmarino

All year long Veneto -Cison di Valmarino (Treviso)  Art-Culture-History | Children | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

Weapons, costumes, musical instruments and carriages in a castle in Veneto. All year long

Castel del Monte - Puglia - Italy

Castel del Monte – Andria

All year long Puglia -Andria  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

A fortress built in 1240 immersed in Alta Murgia Park in Apulia. Open all year round

Porsenna Labyrinth - Tuscany - Italy

Porsenna Labyrinth – Chiusi

All year long Tuscany -Chiusi  Art-Culture-History | Children | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

A netting of Etruscan underground tunnels under the historic center of the city.

Royal Palace of Caserta - Campania - Italy

Royal Palace of Caserta

All year long Campania -Caserta  Art-Culture-History | Children | Christmas | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

Built by the Borbone Royal family to be more sumptuous than Versailles. Also an ancient Nativity Scene

Tomb of Dante - Emilia Romagna - Italy

Tomb of Dante – Ravenna

All year long Emilia-Romagna -Ravenna  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

The tomb where the author of the Divine Comedy is buried. Open all year long

Chimney Sweep Museum - Santa Maria Maggiore Piedmont Italy

Chimney Sweep Museum – Val Vigezzo

March - October Piemonte -Santa Maria Maggiore (Verbania-Cusio-Ossola)  Children | Exhibits-Museums-Visits | Folklore-Traditions

In Val Vigezzo open up to the end of October. The just one museum dedicated to this job

Great War Museum in Gorizia - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italy

First World War Museum – Gorizia

All year long Friuli-Venezia Giulia -Gorizia  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

Photographs, objects and documents of the First World War