Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy


Museum A Mosaic for Tornareccio - Abruzzo - Italy

A Mosaic for Tornareccio

All year long Abruzzo -Tornareccio (Chieti)  Exhibits-Museums-Visits

An extraordinary open-air museum of mosaics that can be visited all year long

Oil Cans Museum - Liguria - Italy

Oil Cans Museum – Chiusanico (Imperia)

All year long Liguria -Chiusanico (Imperia)  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits | Food-Wine

Over 6000 oil cans tell the story of the Italian olive oil commmerce between ‘800 and ‘900

Painted Eggs Museum - Umbria, Italy

Musem of Painted Eggs (Ovo Pinto) – Civitella del Lago

All year long Umbria -Civitella del Lago (Terni)  Children | Exhibits-Museums-Visits | Hobby

Thousands of painted eggs, from the tiniest to the biggest eggs from an ostrich.

Museo del Tessile e dell’Abbigliamento di Napoli Fondazione Mondragone - Campania

Fashion Museum – Naples

All year long Campania -Naples-Napoli  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

The story of fashion from the 1500s to now. High fashion, wedding dresses, accessories…

Abruzzo - Scala Santa di Campli

The “Holy Staircase” Church – Campli

All year long Abruzzo -Campli (Teramo)  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits | Religious celebrations

Climbing the 28 wooden steps of the Sanctuary of Scala Santa, Roman Catholics can obtain the Plenary Indulgence.

Crespi Village - Lombardy - Italy

Crespi Village – Crespi d’Adda

All year long Lombardia -Crespi d'Adda  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

Built in the late 19th century to host the workers of Crespi cotton mill. With school, church…

Is Gruttas Hypogeum Village - Sardinia - Italy

Is Gruttas Hypogeum Village – Sant’Antioco

All year long Sardinia -Sant'Antioco  Art-Culture-History | Children | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

A Punic necropolis partly inhabited by shepherds until the 1970s

Pitti Palace - Tuscany - Italy

Boboli Gardens – Florence

All year long Tuscany -Firenze-Florence  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits | Nature-Excursions

One of the greatest model of Italian garden style behind Pitti Palace.

Guard stone Museum - Trentino Alto Adige - Italy

Guard stone Museum – Canezza

All year long Trentino-Alto Adige -Pergine Valsugana (Trento)  Children | Exhibits-Museums-Visits | Sport

An open-air museum that hosts 200 memorial guard stones from all over the world dedicated to great cyclists

Glass Museum - Piegaro Umbria Italy

Glass Museum – Piegaro

All year long Umbria -Piegaro (Perugia)  Art-Culture-History | Exhibits-Museums-Visits

The testimony of the important glass tradition in Umbria