On February Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd, 2025, it takes place in Rocca Grimalda, in the province of Alessandria, the ancient Carnival La Lachera
The Carnival La Lachera has a two-day program and the protagonist of the Carnival is the staging of a wedding procession parading along the village streets.
On Saturday afternoon, the Lachera visits some farms in the area performing propitiatory dances and receiving offers of wine and food. Meanwhile, the children are begging in the village. In the evening, dances around the fire.
On Sunday afternoon the wedding procession starts and it is animated by some characters that have remained unchanged over time:
– the Lachè (servants), that gave the name to the Carnival
– four Trapulins, a sort of harlequins making noise with whips
– two Zouaves, armed with swords, accompanied by young ladies dancers
– the Warrior, dressed in black and armed with a sword.
– an ambiguous Baby dressed in red-violet with goat’s ears and horns, parody and comic version of the devil.
– Mulattieri and Campagnole (mule’s owners and peasant women)
– the Spouses
In the past, the Lachera was also invited abroad, but seeing the Lachera in the village is a completely original experience.
Reported by Giorgio Perfumo
For information on La Lachera see the facebook page>>> or send an email >>>
Enjoy the typical and traditional food and wines >>>
See on ItalybyEvents a selection of further Carnivals in Italy>>>