Saffron Market Fair – Cascia (Perugia)

31 October-3 November 2024 - Four days dedicated to the precious spice
Mostra Mercato Zafferano - Umbria

From October 31st to November 3rd, 2024 the Saffron Market Fair, in the Province of Perugia, takes place in the streets and small shops of Cascia where visitors can buy special products made with saffron.

During the Saffron Market Fair, reaching its 23rd edition, restaurants’ menus include traditional dishes and reinterpreted recipes while shops sell saffron biscuits, ice creams, yogurts, and much more.

The fair takes place after the picking of the precious crimson stigmas of the saffron crocus. The yellow-red color comes from the natural color of the stigma and from the subsequent toasting.

The price is determined not only by the preciousness of the raw material but also by the quantity of work necessary to obtain the final product.
To produce 1 gram of saffron, the stigmas of about 200 flowers are needed!

The flowers are picked by hand in the early hours of the morning when the corollas are still closed and it is less likely to ruin the most delicate and precious part of the flower: stigmas and pistils.
After having removed the petals and the external part, there is the toasting process (about 20 minutes) until the stigmas can be pulverized.

Saffron has always been such an extremely precious product that in the past, it was also included in the dowry of a girl.

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call +39.0743.71401 – +39.0743.76147
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(photo: Johan Puisais)


Visitors coming to Cascia could also visit Saint Rita of Cascia sanctuary. The Saint is often referred to as the “Patroness of Impossible Causes”. Inside the church, the body of Saint Rita is on display in a glass tomb.


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And also to taste the traditional dishes of Umbria>>> and its excellent wines>>>