Cavalcata Sarda – Sardinian Cavalcade in Sassari
Sunday, May 19th, 2024. Great costume parade and performances on horseback

On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, as traditionally in the penultimate Sunday of May, it takes place the great celebration of the Sardinian Cavalcade in the town of Sassari.
The Sardinian Cavalcade is a great celebration that culminates in a costume parade of groups – on foot or horseback – arriving from all over Sardinia wearing traditional clothes and jewelry.
The first ride dates back to 1711 and it was organized as a tribute to King Philip V of Spain.
In 1899 King Umberto and Queen Margherita Savoia came to Sassari for the inauguration of a monument dedicated to King Vittorio Emanuele II.
The celebration was extended in time and it is still now including the parade in the morning and performances of skill on horseback in the afternoon in the hippodrome.
At the night, traditional dances in Piazza Italia to the sound of Sardinian launeddas and accordions mark the end of the celebration in Piazza Italia.
Festivals and exhibitions of traditional songs are also scheduled in the days before.
Tickets required.
To buy a ticket you may phone +39 079 278 275 or send a mail>>>
The Cavalcade could be postponed in case of bad weather
For further information see the website>>>
Call the Tourist office at +39 079 200 8072 or send a mail>>>
See also the facebook page>>>
See further events and places to visit in Sardinia>>>
And enjoy the traditional food of Sardinia>>> and try its excellent wines>>>
(photos from the event website)