Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy

Corinaldo Jazz – Corinaldo

1-2-5 August 2024, three great jazz concerts in the squares of Corinaldo

Corinaldo Jazz Festival - Marche
01 Aug 2024 - 05 Aug 2024 Marche -Corinaldo (Ancona)  Festival-Fairs | Music-Dance-Theater

On 1-2-5 August 2024, the beautiful  Corinaldo, near Ancona, hosts 3 jazz concerts for the 26th edition of Corinaldo Jazz.

Useful information
See the program>>>
See for tickets>>>
See also the facebook page>>>
For any further info call 071-7978636 (Uff. turistico iat) – 329 4295102
o send a mail to Assocazione Culturale Round Jazz>>>

Corinaldo is classified as one of the most beautiful Medieval villages in Italy.
Discover which are the other amazing Medieval villages in Marche >>>

Photo by Corinaldo Jazz

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