Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy

Living Via Crucis – Frassinoro

BACK IN 2026. Every three year, the commemoration of the Passion of Christ.

Living Via Crucis - Frassinoro
03 Apr 2026 Emilia-Romagna -Frassinoro (Modena)  Folklore-Traditions | Religious celebrations


Every 3 years. on Good Friday, Frassinoro, in the province of Modena, performs the Living Via Crucis.

The celebration of Living Via Crucis starts at 9 pm. At the end of the function in the Abbey, the village recreates the Passion and Death of Christ through living “pictures” representing the different “stops” of Via Crucis along the city. Thus the whole village turns into a theatre where the inhabitants play as actors.

Living Via Crucis acquires also a suggestive scenery thanks to torchlight procession and religious music while reading the Passion Gospel. And it is divided into 14 stops plus “Jesus in the Garden of Olives”.

All the representations are set up by local families taking care of the sets, the costumes and the re-enactors.  Every stop has a referee, the “station master”, a role passed on from father to child or to the family.

This celebration has a long history, probably since the Middle Age.
Emilia Romagna considers the commemorative event the most important popular expression of the religious rituals for Lent and Easter,

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Next representation; April 3rd, 2026

source photo: website


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